
Name: Bodyguard

Genre: Action/Drama/Romance

Cast: Salman Khan, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Hazel Keech, Siddique (Director)

Synopsis: A lady asked Sartaj Rana to help her as her daughter is being kidnapped by some goons and they want to take her abroad to sell her as well as other girls kidnapped from different places. Sartaj asked Security company’s help. Their chief asks Lovely Singh (Salman Khan) to help rescuing those girls. Initially he tried to refuse but when came to know that Sartaj Rana has asked their help, Lovely Singh immediately said yes and went there. He beats the hell out of them and rescues all girls from there. Sartaj Rana asks Lovely Singh to be the bodyguard of her daughter Divya (Kareena Kapoor Khan) as his enemies may try to hurt or kill her just to take revenge me. Her friend Maya (Hazel Keech) also stays most of the time with Divya and they both study together. Divya didn’t want to have Lovely Singh as her bodyguard but after pressurizing from her father, she accepted that. Lovely Singh accompanied Divya and Maya almost everywhere in the college as well as makes them work out on strict basis as per instructed by Sartaj Rana which beings to irritate Divya.  Divya in teaching a lesson to him starts calling and flirting with him as a prank with the name Chhaya. Divya keep calling him with the name Chhaya as Divya’s number was a private number and Lovely Singh didn’t know that. During the calls Chhaya tells Lovely Singh that he is deeply fond of him and is in love with him. Lovely Singh protects Divya in a disco from the goons whom he had previously beaten. Seeing this Divya to falls in love with Lovely Singh but was scared in revealing her identity as she knows that Lovely Singh is completely devoted to his duties and to her father Sartaj Rana.         

On advice of Maya, Divya should do something to end this as when Lovely will came to know that the girl whom he loves as Chhaya is not her but Divya herself what will kind of pain will he go through and also when Divya’s father came know about this he will not spare Lovely at all. So Divya calls Lovely as Chhaya and asks him to meet her but don’t bring Divya with him. Divya on other hand asks Lovely that please he should let her go with him and she will not interrupt them and will not come under their sight. Lovely takes Divya there but Chhaya immediately calls him that she would not him again as he bring Divya with him when he was told not to do so. After few days, Maya seeing love of Divya asks Maya to go with Lovely and she will take care of the rest. Divya calls Lovely to meet her at railway station today but her maid hears all that gives all this information to Sartaj Rana. Meanwhile, when Divya was alone at home, Ranjan Matre with his men kidnapped Divya and asks Lovely to rescue her if he had the courage. Lovely singh came there and rescues her. When they were going back Sartaj Rana gave with his men and starts beating Lovely as according to him he was going to run with Divya. Lovely told them to please let him go as someone is waiting for him at railway station but Sartaj didn’t want to accept this but on giving assurance by Divya he freed Lovely Singh. When Divya came home, she asked Maya to immediately go to railway station to Lovely as her father had ordered his men to kill Lovely if no one shows up to meet him. Maya asks her that she goes as her lover then what will go to happen of Divya’s love and to whom she replied that she would tell the truth once it is assured that his father’s men had gone from there. After waiting for almost all the day no one came to meet Lovely. When the last train was about to leave Maya came running and confront Lovely that she was Chhaya all that time who calls her. Seeing Sartaj’s men gone from their Maya got relieved. Soon Divya calls Maya on phone to talk to Lovely as planned but Maya throws her phone out the train and moves on with Lovely Singh to some place where no one can disturb their life. Several years later, Lovely was about to meet Sartaj before going to London with his son. When they reached Sartaj’s house, Lovely was shocked to see Divya in the house as unmarried who he believed that she should have been married long time ago. His son asked her that whether she had forgiven her mother about her breaking of trust with Divya and apologies on her behalf. He grows a solid bonding with Divya and she reads her mother’s diary which she wrote before dying. On the last day on his stay, his son said Divya as her mother. Infuriated Lovely Singh asks his son to apologize but he walks away. Sartaj too, told Lovely that the child says what he fells and he too feels the same. He takes Divya with him. On the Station, reading his mother’s diaries last pages, Lovely’s son throws the diary and was happy and thanked her mother and went back to train. Lovely saw this and recovered that diary. He read the diary and came to know what Maya has written and also that it was Divya who called her as Chhaya and not Maya. Lovely calls Divya and addresses her as Chhaya. Hearing this Divya came out and hugs him. His son becomes very happy as all are reunited.

Review: It’s a remake of a Malayalam super hit movie having same name and with same director. The movie contains the brilliant performance of Salman khan which is one of the sole reasons that movie had succeeded. Whole of focus was given Salman Khan only in the movie. Kareena Kapoor Khan’s role in movie was not much but whatever it was she did it with ease and comfort and so do was the role of Hazel Keech. Songs of the movie were good and specially “Teri Meri”. Chemistry between the main actors was not much as whole movie comprises of Salman khan only. Dialogues of the movie are great. The movie do contains some turns and twist which make the audience of the movie fully focused. But the story of the movie is more or less the same as the Malayalam movie so people who had seen that movie know what this movie’s story will be. As a whole movie is a blending mixture of romance, drama, twists and a little bit of action and those who are Salman Khan’s fan, it’s a must watch movie for them.

Stars given: 3 out of 5.

1 comment:

  1. Ive seen this movie a million times. I really love the main actors, Salman Khan and Ms. Kareena Kapoor. For me they did a great job. This is one of my favorite movie. I really love and I enjoy watching Bollywood movies.
