I am Legend

Name: I Am Legend

Genre: Science Fiction/Thriller/Drama

Cast: Will Smith, Alice Braga, Charlie Tahan, Francis Lawrence (Director)

Synopsis: Robert Neville, a military virologist Lieutenant Colonel is the last man in the New York City, which thought is the last man alone. Dr. Alice Krippen created a genetically engineered measles virus so that can cancer can be cured. It spreads so rapidly and disastrously resulting in killing most of the human population. Those who survived were transformed in some predators called the “Dark Seekers”. Robert lost his wife and his child in a chopper accident when the quarantine was about to begin by the military. He sees those horrific scenes of that accident and of that terrified, scared people roaming in streets for help.  Robert Neville was roaming in the city alone with his dog Sam. Robert saw a deer and started to chase him. After moving to a certain point, Robert tried to chase him on foot. Sam too ran after the deer. Sam while chasing deer ran into the dark building. Seeing this, Robert too tried to chase Sam. As soon Robert went inside, he sees the place full of dark. He sees some dark seekers there, but he and Sam manages to escape from there. A dark seeker too tried to came out but his skin started to get burned so he moved backed in the building. Seeing this, Robert planned to capture one of them for his research to make a cure and managed to capture one of the female dark seekers. He tried to make a serum in the laboratory but didn’t succeed. When the night was about to come he locked himself and Sam in the home. During sleep he dream about the past that he, his wife and his child tried to evacuation where people around were in full panic, scared and in terror that what will happen. Suddenly Robert wakes up.

Next day it was Robert’s birthday. He goes to a video store but when he was moving around to that he sees a mannequin is out on the road, where he though it should not be. He came out, fired some shots but suddenly got caught into a trap and passed out. When Robert wakes he says that the dusk is about to come so he tried his desperate efforts to free from trap but during his leg of badly cut by the knife he used. At that time dark seekers and their infected dogs came out. They attacked both him and Sam. Sam fights them too but to save Robert from one of the infected dogs he fights that infected dog too but during that Sam got himself bitten from that infected dog. Robert takes Sam back to his laboratory but on initial inspection he realizes that know Sam is bitten by the infected dogs and soon he will also become one of them, so with heavy heart, he kills Sam. Deep in anger and rage, he takes his vehicle in dusk to fight those dark seekers on the seaport. He kills many of them but as there large in number, they overpower him. He crashes into a post. When he was about to be killed, he say saw a flashlight and after that he passed about. When he woke up, he sees a kid was watching TV and a Woman was there in his kitchen making food. After some talk they told Neville that they listen to him on AM radio broadcast from Maryland which he used to give signal to anyone who is alive and also they are alone immune to the Virus just like him. She tells that her name is Anna and boy’s name is Ethan. She told him that there is a survivors’ camp just like him who are immune to this virus and he should wake way to it but Robert says that he doesn’t believe that such type of camp doesn’t exist. Later that night leader of dark seekers attacked Robert’s house as Anna was unaware of the precautions which Robert take to make those dark seekers stay away. Robert has initiated some countermeasures but being large in number they infiltrated Robert’s house. Robert asked Anna to take Ethan to the basement in the laboratory so that they could be safe. Robert lock himself with Anna and Ethan in the room sealed with glass. Soon all dark seekers also came to the basement in the laboratory. Robert sees that the dark seeker which he had captured before and on whom he had conducting treatments has come to a human form look alike. Robert sees that the cure has been found as he tried to seek attention of the dark seekers but in vain. Dark seekers were trying to break the glass shield. Robert sees Anna’s butterfly tattoo and remembers of her daughter. Seeing both Ethan and Anna scared, he told them to hide into the last container so they can be safe and comes out only after night. Robert goes to the dark seekers who is now looks like a lot of Human, takes a syringe, takes her blood in a small container and gives it to Anna saying that this is the Cure. He takes a grenade out of the table. Sees the photo of his wife and child and take a head on collision with the leader of Dark seeker. Next morning when Anna and Ethan were travelling through road, they see a large gate. They stopped and went close to door where after scanning them door opened and some military men came out greeted her as she sees people just like her, she was happy and gives the military man gives the container containing the blood of that dark seeker which holds the cure for this deadly disease. In the Anna states we are Robert’s legacy and he was the legend.

Review: One of the good movies beautifully directed by Francis Lawrence and with performance of Will Smith, he has shown that why he damn good, Superb, energetic and dynamic one. Story of the movie was very unique though some may contest that it might be combinative adaptation of 2 or more novels. Screenplay was good and so do was the special effects. Those dark seekers exactly looked like that which they movie wants them to be.  Using of the concepts like deadly virus, infected people called Dark seekers, most of the humanity wiped out by virus were perfectly fitted with the movie’s story. There is also an alternate ending of the movie but we are posting only this one and not the other one.

Stars given: 3.5 out of 5.

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