Pirates of Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest

Name: Pirates of Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest

Genre: Adventure/Fantasy

Cast: Johnny Depp, Keira Knightley, Orlando Bloom, Bill Nighy, Gore Verbinski (Director)

Synopsis: Lord Cutler Beckett of the East India Trading company, come to the wedding of Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann, interrupted it and has arrest warrants for them as they helped Jack Sparrow to escape during his execution. He also has an arrest warrant for Norrington as he is responsible for delaying the pursuit of Jack. He arrests Elizabeth and sends Will to look for Jack’s magic compass which points to the direction that whatever the holder of the compass wants at that time and for that he will give him Letter of Marquee which will make Jack a privateer and will free Will and Elizabeth. As Will leaves, Governor Swann, Elizabeth’s father was arrested and taken into custody. Beckett frees Elizabeth to go after Will and gives him Letters of Marque. Jack escapes from prison with a drawing of key which he wishes to have. On the pearl he reunites with Bootstrap Bill who has joined Davy Jones crew so that he could escape the fate trapped on the seabed. He tells Jack about the deal he made with Jones that either I must join his crew or being dragged into Jones locker by his pet “The Kraken”. Jack ending up landing in Pelegosto where he is praised as god by some local tribal’s which were planning to eat him. Will and the crew arrives on the island but were taken as captive. Later on, they manages to escape from their which were immediately followed by Jack. The crew visits Tia Dalma, a voodoo practitioner tells them there is to open dead man’s chest. There is a key which Davy Jones had kept with himself of the chest in which his has kept his own heart after being betrayed by his lover. She tells Jack to find Jones Flying Dutchman and gives him jar of dirt, as Jones can only step on land once in every 10 years.

Will goes on a shipwreck on Jack saying but actually it was a way so that Flying Dutchman to appear. Flying Dutchman appears and Jones takes Will as a prisoner. Jones confronts Jack and makes a deal with jack and also Will has to stay on Dutchman where he meets his father. When his father came to know that Will hasn’t pledge to serve Jones, he helps him to escape from Dutchman. Will steals the key from Jones when he was asleep and promises to free his father. Jack goes to Tortuga and recruits new crew. He meets Elizabeth and Norrington there. Both of them joined Jack. Soon Jack realizes that if Beckett gets Jones heart, he will rule the seas. Norrington on other hand plans to get Jones Heart so that he could regain his honor and life and can have rank of Admiral. Jones also realized that Jack is after chest. Everyone arrives at Isla Cruces. Three a sword fight starts between Will, Jack and Norrington as each of them having their own goals and on other hand Elizabeth, Pintel and Ragetti fight with Jones crew. Jack removes Jones heart from the chest and put it in the dirt jar locks the chest again. But Norrington somehow finds it and remove heart from jar and asks them to leave and pretend to be sacrifice for Jones crew. Jack, Will, Elizabeth and his crew boards Black Pearl and tries to overrun Dutchman but Jones set Kraken free so that they could be trapped again. Soon Jack discovers that the heart was missing and runs above leaving his crew behind. Elizabeth saw this incident. Will tries to fight the Kraken with some explosives and he wounded kraken. Seeing this Jack returns back to Pearl. Jack orders his crew to abandon the ship. When Elizabeth was going at last, he gave a kiss to Jack but cleverly chained Jack. Will sees this and misunderstood that she loved Jack. Jack escapes the chain but at very moment kraken came and Jack confronted him and jumps into his mouth to kill him but instead drags Black Pearl to the Locker of Jones. Jones discovers his heart was missing from the chest. Meanwhile, Norrington reaches Port Royal, presenting the heart of Jones to Beckett. Will, Elizabeth, Gibbs and some of Jack’s crew members reaches Tia Dalma’s house, if they wish to rescue Jack which they agree. Tia Dalma on their agreement said that they need a captain who knows the seas and a resurrected Captain Barbossa appears.

Review: As first part of the Movie was a blockbuster hit so much was expected from this part and to the expectations, movie rose up very well. Johnny Depp’s performance was highly charismatic. Bill Nighy performance is also its all time high. Special Effects of the movie are awesome, how the Davy Jones tentacles were made, how the fish like whole crew and many other specials effects were very good. Story of the movie is very unique and holds its audience together all the time during the movie. Direction of the movie was good. As a whole, movie full of entertainment with a mixture of adventure, fantasy, awesome special effects and good performance of Johnny Depp and other cast of the movie.

Stars given: 3.5 out of 5.

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