Resident Evil

Name: Resident Evil

Genre: Action/Horror/Science Fiction

Cast: Milla Jovovich, Michelle Rodriguez, Eric Mabius, Paul W.S. Anderson (Director)

Synopsis: Umbrella Corporation is one of the leading corporations of the world. But in secrecy they also make chemical weapons for biological warfare which the public don’t know in a place called Hive, a genetic research facility beneath the Raccoon City. A man steals a blue tinted capsule called the T-virus as well as the antidote in the green tinted capsule. He breaks one of the blue tinted capsules that is the T-Virus and runs from there. The virus breaks and spreads through vents. Emergency alarm goes on and to contain the virus so that it can’t be spread out of the hive, Artificial Intelligence of the Hive, the Red Queen seals the hive, releases a gas so that many of them knocked out and killed the rest of them. Alice (Milla Jovovich) wakes up in a mansion and has suffered from Amnesia. As she was trying to find anyone around, a group of SWAT commandos jumps into the mansion and arrests her and a man who later on tells them he is a local cop Matt Addison (Eric Mabius). The SWAT team explains Alice and Matt the whole situation that T-Virus has broke out in the hive and has spread violently. Red Queen activated the defense mechanism to contain the virus as much as possible and has released a gas that has caused Amnesia in the employees. Also that Alice is an employee of Umbrella Corporation and was working as a security personnel here.  They all board a train standing right underground the mansion which leads them to Hive. When the train starts moving, a SWAT commando tries to close the door of the compartment of the train and just then a man falls in that compartment also having lost his memory due to amnesia caused by the gas released by red queen earlier.

When they were about to reach Red Queen chamber, most of the SWAT commandos were locked in a room with laser defense mechanism resulting in killing all of them present in that room. Kaplan disabled that Laser mechanism but it had already killed all 4 of them present there. When they reached the Queen chamber, hologram of AI red queen tells them about the whole situation that what has happened here and warns them that if they disable red queen, they will be in deep trouble but Kaplan disabled her and that results in waking up of all the dead people in the form of Zombies. Those zombies who are actually the staff of Umbrella Corporation who had been dead starts attacking Alice and the remaining of SWAT group. J.D. one of the SWAT was killed by Zombies and Rain (Michelle Rodriguez) was bitten by them. Matt and Alice during the fight with the Zombies get separated. As Matt looks for her sister Lisa who works in Umbrella and Alice ended into a room full of Cages and encounters some infected dogs but she successfully defends herself from those infected dogs. Matt was attacked his sister who is now a Zombie but Alice came there and saves him from the Zombie. Matt tells Alice that her sister Lisa was going to give him some evidence about some illegal research by Umbrella Corporation here and she know someone here who about to give them to her but he himself doesn’t know who that person was. Alice told him that it was she that was the contact point of Lisa and she was the one who will help her gathering the evidence but at this point she don’t remember any further that what happened afterwards. All the remaining survivors meet at Red Queen’s chamber. To find a way out from the hive, Alice activated Red Queen that she is the only who knows a way out from here but Kaplan warns them that if Red Queen is activated again they had too break her circuit down to have her cooperation. They tried escape from the underground tunnels but very soon they were attacked by Zombies and now Kaplan is also separated from the group.

Alice remembers that there is an antidote to this virus and where that present. She takes Matt, Spence and Rain with them to that room but sees that the antidote is not present there. Spence on other hand also realizes that it was he who has stolen the virus as well as the antidote from there and was the one who has started this epidemic to take place and realizes that antidote was present in the train outside the Hive. Later on Alice also remembers that it was Spence who was with her on that night and he was the person who started all this. Spence asked Alice come with her as they could have billions through selling that antivirus in the black market but Alice refused. During the escape of the Spence he was bitten by one of the Zombies. Being trapped in the room, Alice asks red queen to tell them the way out but she laid a condition that the Rain that is the infected one has to be killed by Alice and only after that she will let them know the way out of here. Alice couldn’t kill Rain but soon Kaplan came there disable the queen and opened the room in which Alice and others were trapped. A licker tried to came out of room but they locked and moved towards the train where Alice killed the Zombie Spence and takes the antivirus with her. In train she injected antivirus to both Rain and Kaplan. Licker was hiding on the train and attacks them. The licker injured Matt with his claws thus infecting him and killed Kaplan. Meanwhile, Rain turns into a zombie and starts attacking both Alice and Matt but Alice shoot her in the head and kill her. Alice and Matt escapes through the Hive and containment door closes at that as they have get out of there in order to survive. Matt starts mutating when they reached the mansion and before Alice gives him antidote a group of Umbrella scientists came there take Matt with them for further research for the Nemesis program and took Alice with them. Alice resisted a bit but later on knocked out by Umbrella men. Later, Alice awakens in the Raccoon city hospital on an examination table with no memory what happened there after they were taken into custody and she was knocked out. She came out of the hospital and sees that whole town on abandoned. Also a news clipping shows “the dead walk” meaning that T-virus had reached the surface and has infected the people of the city. The final Shot is that Alice holds and pumps up a shotgun in the middle of the deserted street of Raccoon city.

Review: Based on capcom’s video game series Resident Evil, the people has high hopes from the movie that it would deliver the best as the resident evil game and yes the movie has delivered the best. The movie was based mostly on the performance and role of Milla Jovovich and she delivered her best what is expected of him that is absolute brilliance. The performance of Michelle and Eric were also up-to the mark. The creation of the zombies was also magnificent and so do was the music of the movie. Although at some point audience will feels that movie has some stretchy part which might have been avoided and also story moves a little slow but for a short period. The movie has some scary moments and also good action. Anderson has done a commendable job in remaking the Video game series of Resident Evil with proper attention giving to most of the character in the movie and got the best out of them and also with story line he followed in this just little bit stretchy parts and apart from that it’s a good action, a little of horror and science fiction movie.      

Stars given: 3.5 out of 5.

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