
Name: Salt

Genre: Action/Thriller/Mystery/Crime

Cast: Angelina Jolie, Liev Schreiber, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Philip Noyce (Director)

Synopsis: Evelyn Salt (Angeline Jolie) being an American spy is accused of espionage is being tortured at North Korea prison. She will soon be exchanged with a North Korean prisoner by her colleague and CIA agent Ted Winter (Liev Schreiber) who escorts her during the trade. She asked why she is being traded to which Winter replied that it was Mike Krause and his persistence with the department which forces them to have an exchange for your freedom. On the wedding anniversary of Salt and Mike, a defector from Russia came to CIA’s office and telling them that he could give them some useful information. Salt beings to interrogate him with Winter and CIA officer Darryl Peabody.  He tells that his name is Oleg Orlov and tells her that during Cold war Russia has kidnapped American children and replaced them with Russian children and now is being trained to destroy America. They are called KA-12s and will come into action on Day-X where they will kill Russian president Boris Matveyev who is working as a great pace in improving relationship of Russia with US on the day of American’s Vice President Funeral. When they were about to leave Orlov told them that “Salt” is one of those KA-12s. Salt rubbishes this non sense and pleaded that she has nothing to do with it. Soon seeing argue between Winter and Darryl, she believed that she is in danger and escapes from there. Orlov too after telling all the story of KA-12s escapes from there as well. Salt tried to contact Mike but the apartment’s voice call again and again. When Salt reached apartment seeing his chair and half eaten sandwich, she understands that Mike is kidnapped by someone.

When Winter and Peabody reached Salt’s home, she managed to escape from there but Winter sees her and both Winter and Peabody starts chasing her. When Salt was almost cornered by them she jumped on a nearby passing truck and then takes a motorbike and escapes from there. She stayed at small motel in the night, plans her next step of action. After dyeing her hair and changing her identity Salt enters the funeral throws a bomb on a roof above the Russian president and kills guys from the secret service. Peabody comes to the scene and arrests Salt even though Salt can kill him but she didn’t and surrender to him. When Peabody’s men were taking Salt to Jail, Salt knocks them out and escapes from there. While taking Russian president to hospital, he was pronounced dead as he had no pulse from that period. Riots start beginning to happen in Moscow. Salt meets Orlov in a scrapping metal yard with other KA-12s agents. It is also revealed now that Orlov is the man who had trained Salt to become the sleeper agent that is KA-12s agent. She was taken to a ship which serves home for Russian spies by Orlov. In the ship, she saw Mike being taken as hostage. Orlov throws him into water to see whether she is loyal to him or not but she didn’t react which confirms her loyalty. He introduces her with fellow agents and told her that she about to meet one of their spy disguised as NATO officer who will help her in her next mission. She killed Orlov and rest of people present there and takes guns and grenades with him. She meets Shnaider who helps Salt in entering the white house as his male aide as a Czech NATO.  Shnaider attacks the CIA guards present there. Winter and other CIA personnel took US president to the underground bunker. Salt kills every person that comes in her way. Meanwhile, US president’s advisors were forcing him to use nuclear attack on Russia to teach them a lesson as Salt is here to kill him but president didn’t permit to launch the attack. Winter kills everyone present there except the President and introduces him as a Russian named Nikolai. He knocks the president out and aims to fire missiles on Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Tehran and Iran so that after the missile fallout they will unite and take action against US.

Salt reached the bunker and told that she also want to join him in destroying US but seeing the reports that Russian President is still alive as he was only being temporarily paralytic. He didn’t let her in the glass coated room and told her that she will be the one behind saving Russian president by giving venom of the spiders of Mike. He didn’t trust after her return from North Korea. He tells that he knew from the beginning that she had fallen in love with Mike and he was the one who asked Orlov to kidnap Mike and kill him. Hearing this, Salt come in range and after some desperate attempts enters the room. Salt and Winter starts fighting but when the missile activation was almost complete Salt pulls the plug of the computer and cancels the missile strike but during that got shot by Secret Service men. When both Winter and Salt were escorted out, as being handcuffed Salt wrapped her handcuffs around Winter’s neck and jumps in balcony resulting in killing him. Peabody took Salt to take her to FBI. In the chopper he asked Salt why did she kill her why she killed Winter to which she replied someone has too. Salt convinces Peabody that she was the good guy and Winter was the bad one. She convinces him that she will take out rest of the remaining KA sleeper agents as they took everything away from her. Somehow being convinced by her Peabody let her escape through the river.
Review: One of the damn good spying types of movie which is full of action and thriller. Angelina Jolie proved that why she is one of the best action movie performers in Hollywood. Angelina performance is the movie absolute brilliant. Movie contains some mind bowling stunts and actions sequences which will make you thrilled at the fullest. Story of the movie was very unique and creative and in addition to that the pace and focus given on the story of the movie was damn good. Noyce remained to his strengths of his direction in this movie too. Every actor of the crew performed his or her role with full conviction. Spy aspects of movie were shown very well in the movie with some brilliant stunts and long chases. The movie just looked like a Bond type of movie where Angelina and Noyce made it an absolute thriller with jam packed action. A must watch movie.

Stars given: 4 out of 5.

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