Silent Hill : Revelations 3D

Name: Silent Hill: Revelation 3D

Genre: Horror/Mystery

Cast: Adelaide Clemens, Kit Harington, Carrie Anne Moss, Sean Bean, Michael J. Bassett (Director)

Synopsis: Heather Mason (Adelaide Clemens) and her father Harry Mason (Sean Bean) have been moving from town to town in awe that to keep them out of danger. She believes that her father has killed a man in the self defense that is why they are on the run. Her mother has died in a car accident. In realty, Harry was protecting Heather from a cult of Silent hill. Rose, Heather’s mother has freed Sharon (which is Heather now) by using one of Amulet called Seal of Metatron but remained herself trapped in Silent Hill. In school, Heather meets a guy as his classmate named Vincent Cooper (Kit Harington) but she again started haunted by Silent hill hallucinations. Private investigators called Douglas Cartland meet her and said that she knew her. Heather calls her dad and told her that a stranger is following her and he told her stay away and he is coming to meet her at Happy Burgers. At that time door bell rings and Harry put is phone down was taken by the Order, silent hill cult. Heather enters into the mall waiting for her father but it was mall of another dimension. She was seeing some scary and weird hallucinations and she very terrified. At that time that private investigator came and told her that his name is Douglas Cartland and he is being hired by the Order of Valitel to find her. He also tells her that her mother hasn’t died but she is imprisoned in the Silent Hill and now they want you. He helps Heather in escaping from the monster but in doing that Douglas died. When Heather comes in real world after escape from the otherworld mall, she meets Vincent again. Vincent asks her what had happened inside. Vincent goes with her to Heather’s home. When they entered home, heather couldn’t find her father. On the wall there was message written “come to silent hill”. Heather sees symbol on the wall and tells Vincent that they had to go to silent hill. Police knocked on the door but they ran from behind. When they were travelling at night they decided to stay at a motel. Vincent tells Heather that he the son of the Order’s leader called Claudia Wolf (Carrie Ann Moss) to keep a track of her. He tells her that she is a part of Alessa Gillespie who was burnt alive 38 years ago by the Order and now Claudia is eager wants her back. Vincent tells her that to free Order and her father, she has to get other half of the Seal of Metatron which is there with Leonard wolf, Vincent father and he is kept in an asylum. Darkness was spreading in that motel room, a monster came and taken Vincent back but did nothing to Heather. When she reached Silent Hill, she meets Dahlia where Dahlia told Heather that she should leave or she would be used and will be burnt. Heather told her that she is Alessa’s mother and the people get what they deserved and as the bells starts ringing and everything was covered with darkness she runs from there. Heather finds Leonard and finds that when both halves of the Amulet will be fused, Seal of Metatron will reveal the true nature of things. Leonard converts into a monster and knock Heather down. When she woke up both of them had a little fight where Heather takes the Seal of Metatron from Leonard and he died there. She saw Vincent being taken somewhere as she was hiding from Pyramid Head. She saves Vincent and they go to Lakeside Amusement park where Vincent decided to make way for Heather to go and takes Claudia’s men with him. Heather confronts dark Alessa who said that she will make us complete but Heather as being the innocence and good part turned as a whole with Dark Alessa in it. Heather then confronts Claudia who had her dad and Vincent as her hostage. Claudia tells Heather that Harry’s blood will be used to feed the new god and that will be born from Heather’s body. Heather gives Seal of Metatron to Claudia and wants to know her truth. Claudia turns herself into a monster and tried to kill Heather. Pyramid Head came to rescue and fights with the Claudia turned Monster and in the end kills it. Heather escapes with Harry and Vincent. When they about to leave, Harry tell Heather that she is proud of her and always wanted to stay away from danger due to her. But he cannot leave Silent Hill as he has to save Rose his wife. He said that you did your task and now he has to do his. With this Harry goes back to Silent Hill. Both Vincent and Heather walks on road when the meet a lorry and asks him to take with him as a lift. The Lorry Driver introduces himself as Travis Grady and they leave Silent Hill. Some police cars following by a Prison Transport were seen entering the Silent hill.

Review: As next part of Silent Hill, there were many expectations from the movie but it doesn’t rose to that expectations. Story of the movie was almost the same as Silent Hill 3 play station game. It lacks creativity. The movie doesn’t have any scary scenes at all. The one thing that looks in this movie is that they tried to make the movie like the previous part of Silent Hill but in that context they didn’t worked on their strengths how to en-cash the name Silent Hill. Story was a bit loose and you might what is going on here. Previous part of Silent hill was better than this one. Only thing positive in the movie was the performance of Adelaide Clemens. Her acting was a good. Half star to Adelaide Clemens performance. As a whole it is an average movie. 

Stars given: 2 out of 5. 

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