Insidious: Chapter 2

Name: Insidious: Chapter 2

Genre: Horror/Thriller

Cast: Patrick Wilson, Rose Byrne, Barbara Hershey, James Wan (Director)

Synopsis: In the late 1980’s when Josh was still a kid, he is having the ability of astral projection where Josh as a kid having trouble with the old lady in black dress. Elise at that time with the help of another person named Carl helping her in that case. Young Josh told Elise about the whereabouts of the problem haunting him. Elsie with young Josh’s signal reached their but having some infection of her hand suddenly went out of there and told that problem is big enough. Elsie told Lorraine that the best thing for him to make him forget his astral projection abilities. Now in the present time, Police detective is questioning Renai (Rose Byrne) that is Josh’s wife about the death of Elise in her house. Josh was freed on the bail from Police custody. Soon after, Renai starts hearing some strange events again in the house which they were living now. As when Renai was in her bed piano starts playing itself on its own, footsteps voices but no one was there. Renai suspects Josh for all the mysterious happenings but Josh told her that he has stay calm and everything will be okay. Lorraine also saw a mysterious white woman in their home and tries to follow her but suddenly seeing that woman she got very scared. Josh suddenly meet her and told her that there is nothing to be afraid and he doesn’t want his family to again get upset. Renai too saw the same mysterious woman which Lorraine saw and tries to follow her but sooner that woman slapped her so hard that it knocked Renai unconscious.

Desperate for help Lorraine went to Elsie colleagues Specs and Tucker and asks them to help her that what is going wrong. As Elsie is gone now so Lorraine called Carl for help them in this case. He attempts to contact Elsie through dices. Elsie through told them that it’s the mother who killed and she wanted to kill them all as well. Also she told “Angel” when asked where to find her. Which Lorraine remembered that it’s the hospital where she used to work at before? When they went there they find the files of patient Parker Crane, a patient in ICU which committed jumping off the roof many years ago. All four of them then go to Parker Crane’s home hoping to find some clue’s over there. In Parker’s home, they found some clue’s as well as some memories of him being as a girl. The found the room where people were murdered and were kept as such also the black gown and veil and a statue as well as some clipping of the newspaper written on the murders of the people. Carl through his ability came to know that it was Parker Crane in the black gown of the lady which committed the murders and his mother forced him to do so. All of them somehow escaped from there.

Renai when was about to enter in the her own home was stopped by Lorraine and told her to go away from here as Josh was still inside the home and her kids her being left at her friend. Lorraine told Renai that it’s not the house which is having the problem but it’s Josh who is the problem here that he is possessed by the soul of Parker Crane which came in when he tries to rescue Josh during astral Projection and the real Josh is still trapped in the Further. Carl attempts to take down Josh who is now possessed by Parker by a Drug to be put in him but the attempt was foiled as Josh now brought a knife with Carl came to know through dices. Specs and Tucker came to his aide but Josh possessed by Parker took all of three knocked out. When Lorraine and Renai came back, Josh started to behave differently which both Lorraine and Renai came to know that its Parker crane now. Josh attacked both of them. He locked Lorraine in the closet and tried to choke Renai to death but Dalton knocked him on his head which gives time for Renai, Dalton and Foster to escape from there and all three of them went to basement. In the Basement, Dalton asks Renai to let him go to the Further where he could find real Josh and will get back with real Josh. Renai allows that. Dalton with a tin can telephone ties with him and sleeps to go to Further.

On other side, real Josh and Carl meet each other and tried to find Elsie in their previous mansion. When real Josh fighting with a soul in the further in Lambert’s mansion and he was having trouble to overcome that evil soul, Elise came there and meet both Carl and Josh. They suddenly went to Parker’s home and to the memories of him where his mother was abusing him that his name is not Parker and he is not a boy and his name is Merilyn and he is a girl. Mother of Parker notices all of three and pushes away from there. Josh suddenly finds some bodies standing there and one of them was Parker’s mother which attacks Josh. Also the possessed Josh breaks into basement and was about to kill Dalton who was in Further. As Parker’s mother was about to kill real Josh, Elise came there and starts hitting her with rocking horse chair and killed her. Dalton meets the three of them and assisted Carl and Josh to escape from there with the help of the string of the tin can telephone. In the present world, Josh collapsed and regained conscious and told them he is the real one now. Carl hypnotized Josh and Dalton so that they forget their astral projection abilities and lead a normal life. Next scene came as Specs and Tucker rang a bell of house and speaks to the parents of the daughter for whom they want help. Elise walks into the home and wants to talk to the daughter Allison to tell her what’s going on in here. Some noises and a shadow behind the girl came up and Elise shocking said “Oh my God”.

Review: As Insidious part 1 gains a lot of acknowledgement from people around the world a lot was expected from this part and it delivered to the expectations pretty well. It’s the same as creaky noises, footsteps and door banging noises which will raise the thrills in the movie pretty and have some scenes which will damn scare to the fullest specially of the mother slapping and saying “Don’t you Dare”. Performance was almost decent one by almost all the characters of the movie. Direction as usual of James Wan was brilliant and so can be said for the screenplay of the movie. A little disappointment could be said in the story part. The story part which raised so many standards in the 1st part of Insidious goes down a little bit in this part. Overall James Wan has re-engineered a new type of thrill and horror in the film industry which is very fun to watch out. A good movie and a must watch for everyone.

Stars given: 4 out of 5.

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