Rocky III

Name: Rocky III

Genre: Drama/Sports

Cast: Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire, Mr. T, Burt Young, Carl Weathers, Sylvester Stallone (Director)

Synopsis: It’s been five years for Rocky for defending his heavyweight title against 10 different opponents and he defended all of them successfully. Rocky has now seeing fame, wealth and recognition in his life after he becomes world heavyweight champion of boxing. A ferocious boxer named Clubber Lang (Mr. T) was also defeating boxers to become contender to challenge Rocky and each time he sees Rocky defeated his title successfully he defeated his opponent with more aggressiveness. Mickey also recognizes the ferociousness of Clubber Lang as a dangerous opponent. On a day when Rocky was addressing a Public event and Clubber Lang came there and challenges Rocky. He accused him of picking lesser skilled opponents for defending titles and also said badly for Rocky’s wife Adrian. Rocky accepted his challenge. Mickey initially asked Rocky not to go for the fight and refuses to train him. But being pressurized by Rocky he told him that at this moment he is more ferocious and dangerous boxer than him and he will beat you. Rocky understands about the saying’s of Clubber Lang was true about the title defenses. But at last Rocky convinces to train for this fight and in the end Mickey accepted his request. It is clearly seen that the there was a huge training difference between Rocky and Lang. On the day of the fight, before the fight start there was a shove between Rocky and Lang in which Mickey was hit. He got heart attack and seeing Mickey’s condition Rocky wants to call off the fight but Mickey told him to go and fight him in ring. Apollo too was present at the ring side too see the fight. Lang was ferocious as ever but Rocky couldn’t concentrate on fight. The fight didn’t continue to 2 rounds but Lang knocked down Balboa in 2nd round and Rocky was still concerned about his coach. After losing, Balboa went to see Mickey and after being asked about the result he told Mickey that fight ended in two rounds. Hearing this Mickey though it as a win and later he died there.

After being beaten so badly Balboa was very upset. When he was at Mickey’s gym which is now closed he meets Apollo again. He told Balboa that he didn’t have that will or “the eye of the Tiger” this time which he had against him when he fought and offers him that he will train him in a rematch with Clubber Lang and in exchange of a special favor but that will be after the match. Rocky accepts that and he with Adrian, Paulie and Apollo went to Los Angeles where Apollo will train him. Initially Rocky wasn’t doing well as he was demoralized and lost his morale and confidence during the Clubber Lang fight. Despite Apollo’s best efforts progress of Rocky’s training was going nowhere. Seeing this Adrian talked to Rocky to tell her the truth too which he admitted that this time he is afraid but Adrian persuaded him that he should follow his heart. Mickey didn’t what he thought it was best for Rocky because it was his job but now he has too live it for himself. Rocky realized that and came back to his senses and start preparing for the fight again. Seeing Rocky’s performance and determination they too thought that they can beat Lang. The match was going to be held at Madison Square Garden. As the fight starts Rocky started the round very well and starts hitting hard at Lang but after few rounds Lang bounced back and dominate Rocky and knock him down two times. Seeing this Balboa changed his strategy by taking on Lang’s punches most of the rounds but simultaneously starts taunting Lang that he can’t take him down. Lang starts becoming angrier seeing this and lashes out at Balboa but when Balboa saw that Lang is now totally exhausted starts hitting at Lang with full fury and defeated Lang by a knock out and regains the world heavyweight championship again. In the end Balboa and Apollo (as a result of Big Favor asked by Apollo) was in the ring throwing a first punch at each other but in a friendly behavior.

Review: Again a very good sequel made by Sylvester Stallone in the Rocky Series. Mr. T entrant in the movie brings new freshness in the Rocky film series which looks great. Story in this part was also very good. Stallone’s performance in the movie was brilliant and so do was off the rest of the cast including Carl weathers, Talia Shire and Mr. T. Movie moved at a very good pace and didn’t went off the track even once. Story was also very different and unique of this part of Rocky series. The reason of such a good and creative story of the Rocky is that it looks like close to the reality which a boxer will have in real life that to goes through such types of up’s and down’s in his boxing carrier and in life too. Also the focus was given to each and every character in the movie and not only to Sylvester Stallone’s character which was a very good thing.  Overall Rocky III performed and lived up to the expectations of its prequels.

Stars given: 4 out of 5.

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