Rocky IV

Name: Rocky IV

Genre: Drama/Sports

Cast: Sylvester Stallone, Dolph Lundgren, Talia Shire, Burt Young, Sylvester Stallone (Director)

Synopsis: Ivan Drago (Dolph Lundgren), a tall and athletic boxer from Soviet Union came with his wife Ludmilla and with a team of his trainers from USSR to United States of America to demonstrate his athleticism, Soviet power and superiority in boxing arena in the world. Drago’s manager promotes a demonstration of Drago’s immense power and punching ability in public. Apollo on hearing this news tells Rocky that he wants to challenge this guy for bout as Ivan’s manager publically said that they want to challenge Balboa for the title and wants Balboa’s agreement on that. Balboa didn’t accept his request and so do Adrian but after being convinced by Apollo, Rocky agreed. Apollo officially challenges Ivan Drago for an exhibition bout which will taking place at MGM grand hotel, Las Vegas. As the fight started Apollo throw some good punches initially but it has no effect at all on Drago and soon Drago starts hitting hard which lands Apollo in trouble. Seeing that Duke and Rocky pleaded Apollo to stop the fight but Apollo refused to do that. Drago kept fighting in the ring and which result in Apollo’s death due to the injuries sustained. Drago also showed no remorse for the death of Apollo in the fight. Rocky felt himself responsible for the death of Apollo and agrees to fight Apollo in Russia on Christmas Day in an unsanctioned match. Adrian didn’t approve the same and remained in disagreement that he shouldn’t go there and fight him but Rocky went there to redeem Apollo’s honor.

 Rocky reached USSR and starts training with Duke and Paulie with him as Adrian refused to go. There training of both Rocky and Drago were same but the methods were different. Rocky used old techniques of training like chopping trees, running in snowy areas etc. while Drago used modern techniques for same training with a team of trainers for him. Suddenly after a few days Adrian shows her there which boosted the confidence of Rocky and make him more focused more. On the day of the fight Drago was shown as a national hero and Rocky was booed most of time before the fight. As the fight starts Drago starts hitting hard at Rocky and Rocky starts taking a beating from him. But before the end of second round Rocky makes a fierce comeback landing a heavy right hook that cuts Drago’s left eye which shocked Drago and rest of the people present there. Rocky now starts his assault on Drago with full force. At the few rounds Drago also seems to realize that he can’t take down Balboa that easy at all. Both Rocky and Drago continues to fight with neither man backing up and landing punches at others with full fury. Rocky also realized that what seemed to be a hostile crowd for him is now also chanting his name too which game him more morale boost. One of the member’s of Soviet politburo tries to confront Drago that he should win at all cost to which Drago told that he is also a man which is doing his level best. As 15th round starts both the fighters starts fighting hard at each other but in the end Rocky won the match by knocking out Drago. In the victory speech Rocky said that “If I can change, and you can change then everybody can change”. Soviet Politburo stands up and applauds Rocky for that and for victory. Rocky in the ends wishes his son a merry Christmas and wave his arms as the crowds applauds and chants his name.

Review: What was expected of this sequel of Rocky, the same has been delivered. The movie was emphatic as a whole. Story was as usual different from its prequels and yet almost related to its prequels. Sylvester Stallone performance in the movie was brilliant which was full of energy. Bringing Dolph Lundgren was a very good idea as it again brought new freshness and new energy in the Rocky series of this part. Music of this part of the series was also very good which made its mark in the movie. Rest of the cast performance was as usual good as per its prequels. What came from this that Sylvester Stallone’s direction was also brilliant where he had taken the best of every character forward in the Rocky series and the boxing fighting sequences in this part of the movie was also very mind blowing but seemed very real to any boxing match and was fun to watch. This was another blockbuster movie in the Rocky Series.

Stars given: 4 out of 5. 

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