Kung Fu Panda 2

Name: Kung Fu Panda 2      
Genre: Animation/Action/Adventure/Comedy

Cast: Voices of Jack Black, Angelina Jolie, Jackie Chan, Garry Oldman, Jennifer Yuh Nelson (Director)

Synopsis: Peacock Clan rules the Gongmen city of ancient China. Lord Shen of peacock clan wants to use fireworks as new weapons and developing the same. His court’s goat future teller tells him that a warrior of black and white will defeat him and will be hindrance in his rule. Hearing this Shen with his large army starts exterminating Panda population of the area to stop this prophecy to never let that happen. As Shen parents came to about his atrocity, they immediately exile Shen to move out of the Gongmen city and never come again and before going out of the Shen promises that he will have his revenge. After thirty years, Po is now the dragon warrior protecting the villagers from the bad guys with the furious five. Shifu tells Po that he is now a kung fu master but he still doesn’t have the inner peace. When he was defending villagers from wolf bandits of Shen who were there for stealing metal for new cannons to be made, a symbol distracted him and remind of a flashback of his birth. Po later on came know that he was found in a radish box by his goose father and he is an adopted child though Po still remained unsatisfied.

Shifu received a message that Shen has attacked Gongmen city and has killed Master Rhino and is planning to destroy Kung Fu and the whole of the ancient China with a new weapon developed by him. So he sends Po and the furious five to stop Shen and his evil plans. They entered the city and finds that Master Ox and Croc were being held captive. Po and the furious five asked them to help in liberation of city from Shen but they refused in saying that if they do then he will destroy the city by the new weapon. Po and the furious five were chasing Shen’s men and later surrendered and were taken to Shen tower. Later they destroyed Shen’s new cannon but during his fight with Shen a symbol on Shen’s plumage reminds his past again with a little flashback and that gives time for Shen to escape to its other tower. Tigress asked Po about what distracts him again and again to which Po finally tells him that Shen was there and he knows something about his past. Tigress asked him to stay here but he went into the factory to find Shen. On other side the furious five too entered the factory to blow it out so that cannons can’t come out but seeing Po in trouble they went into the factory and tried to help him. Shen starts fighting Po and ultimately hits him with a cannon and Po went all out. Shen captures the rest of the furious five as their hostage.

Po wakes up and sees that Shen’s future teller has rescues and healed him and is now in his ancestral village and asks him to remember and embrace his past. Po remembers everything that what actually had happened that on that day and how his parents sacrificed his own lives to save Po. Po finally attains Inner Peace that he is now living a happy life though such atrocities and hardships is being faced by him. He went to the city again to stop Shen and his evil plans. He freed the furious five and later sees that Master Croc and Ox with his own Master Shifu too has arrived there and starts fighting with Shen’s wolf bandits. Eventually they thought that had stopped Shen’s plan but Shen hits the wreckage created by Po with his new cannon. Shen starts a whole round of cannon towards Po but as Po has now attained Inner Peace deflected all the cannon balls fired at him. Tigress, Shifu and even Shen was shocked to see this and could believe its own eyes. Finally Po went to Shen and asked him to stop all this but listening to him Shen starts again attacking him and in that fight ropes which were holding a canon falls on him and crushed him to death. 

Po came back to the village and tells to his goose dad that he is his father at all and hugs each other. Meanwhile somewhere else, Po’s real father who were living with rest of the alive panda’s senses that his son is still alive somewhere.

Review: As first was a big success so a lot to be expected from the next part and it delivered with full expectations. The movie is full of action, adventure and a lot of comedy scenes which makes it a little ahead of its previous prequel. Action sequences used in this part was even better then it was used in the prequel. Story was at all connected with the previous part. Lord Shen was better on the villain part and was more effective than the prequel’s Tai Lung. Music given by Hans Zimmer and John Powell were as usual at its level best. It has to be said that this part of the movie has more action sequences and adventure fun than the previous part and the 3D make it an extra edge to it. A fabulous and a classic animation movie with Po’s panda style was mind blowing.

Stars given: 3.5 out of 

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