Flight (2012)

Name: Flight (2012)

Genre: Drama

Cast: Denzel Washington, Kelly Reilly, Don Cheadle, Robert Zemeckis (Director)

Synopsis: Captain Whip Whitaker (Denzel Washington) of an airline wakes up in a hotel room in Orlando and was feeling very sleepy and with the affects of Drugs and alcohol still there. He boards his flight South Jet Flight227 as pilot. After a little turbulence disturbance and seeing the condition of Whip, Co Pilot Evans takes control while Whip mixes Vodka with juice takes a nap but suddenly wakes up after a massive jolt felt in plane. Seeing aircraft was going in steep down Whip starts giving instructions to Evans and lead attendant Margret and Whip gives instructions to roll aircraft upside down so that aircraft could be streamlined and become stable. During this incident Katarina in saving a child passenger lost her life. When Nicole was being taken out by paramedics from her home, she saw Flight 227 overhead upside. One of the engines of the plane fails and during that Whip realizes that he will not be able to land this on runaway so he with all his experience and knowledge makes a landing of the plane on Open filed in Clayton County, Georgia but during that bumping landing he lost consciousness and later on being taken out by a passenger.

Whip later on wakes up in the Atlanta hospital with some injuries. Charlie Anderson a friend of Whip and represents Airline’s Pilot Union told Whip that he was able to save 96 out of 102 people on board and 6 of them died as well out of which 4 were passengers and 2 were from Crew including Katrina. He also meet Nicole in hospital staircase and she promised that he come to meet him after that leaving the hospital. Later on Charlie and his attorney Hugh Lang (Don Cheadle) tells him that when he was unconscious in hospital NTSB performed a drug on him and which he was found intoxicated and that could send him to prison and alcohol, drugs charges. Hugh tells Whip that he will able to void the report on technical grounds but he has to take care of himself and he shouldn’t do anything stupid. Whip hearing this becomes angry and leaves from there.

He seeks out of for Nicole and finds her while she was having a tough time with her landlord but Whip gives him sound money and asked him not to pursue her again. Later on both of them become intimate. After attending the funeral of Katarina he meets Margaret and tells her that NTSB is on him and may ask her for testimony on that day. He asked her that she should tell them that everything was fine on that day and the incident our due to airplane technical problem but not by his drinking habit. He later on meets his co-pilot on that day and find that Evans is serious injured with both his legs and pelvis being crushed. Evans told that he knew that how you were drunk on that day but later on told that everything happens due to god will and its God’s will that he is here and he told that he will not tell NTSB anything about him being drunk on that day. Later on he with a bottle in his hand seeks out Nicole to go with him and they will leave this place and after being asked the true reason he told that he is afraid that NTSB is on him and his carrier will be destroyed due to that. Whip and Nicole had a fight during that Time. On next day when Whip was looking for Nicole, he reads a letter from Nicole and he came to know that she has left him and being in rage he destroys some there collective belongings and starts drinking again.         

Whip went to his ex-wife and his son but there too an argument broke between him and his son and he went from there media surrounded him and starts asking him questions but Whip somehow manages to get out of there as well. He went to Charlie and asked him to let him stay with him tell the NTSB hearing and he vows not to drink again. Before one night of hearing Whip was shifted to heavy guarded room in a hotel. At night his door starts banging and he finds his next door is unlocked. Next day when Charlie and Hugh came to his room and saw that Whip is fully intoxicated with beverages and they don’t know what to do. They call Harling to revive him from that intoxicated state to make him ready for NTSB hearing using cocaine. As the hearing starts Ellen starts explaining that the main reason of the crash was damaged jackscrew. She reveals that two empty bottles of Vodka was being found in the investigation of the plane. One of the crew members was found positive in the toxicology report and that was Katarina. Now Ellen asks Whip about his opinion that whether she has taken that Vodka. Whip on repeatedly asking same question couldn’t harm the good image of Katarina admits that he was the one who had drunk that Vodka. He is a regular alcoholic person and he had drunk on that day as well.

After 13 months he was telling his story to fellow people in jail and told him that he can’t say just one more lie which could let him walk out of that investigation unharmed but admitting truth on that day he feels free. He tells them now that he is a sober man and he is trying his best to maintain his good relations again with Nicole, his family and friends. In jail his son comes to meet him. He asks him to help him on a collage essay “The fascinating person you have never met” Whip asks him Ok. His sons starts by asking him question “Who are you?” to which Whip replied “That’s a very good question”.

Synopsis: One of the all time best movies of the Robert Zemeckis and Denzel Washington. An effortless and flawless performance given by Denzel Washington. Robert has brought the true direction which depicts the pin point. Story was absolutely brilliant and how it is directed was even more appreciable. Rest of the cast also good but more of the focus was given on Denzel’s character and he lived up-to that expectation damn well. Denzel performance in the movie has shown why this movie was dominated for Oscars for best actor although he didn’t won but his perform hell good. What makes this movie a whole different from rest of the others is the story which is quite different and as per the character Denzel brought his best performance suited to the character. This is a must watch movie for everyone and especially for those who are diehard fan of Denzel Washington.

Stars given: 4.5 out of 5.

Hachi: A Dog's Tale (Also known a Hachiko: A Dog's Story)

Name: Hachi: A Dog’s Tale

Genre: Drama/Family

Cast: Richard Gere, Joan Alle, Cary- Hiroyuki Tagawa, Lasse Hallstrom (Director)

Synopsis: A class full of young students was there giving presentations about their personal hero’s. Ronnie a student in the class was about to give presentation on his personal hero and he writes the name “Hachiko” and starts telling his story. Years ago Akita a puppy sent from Japan to America in a cage but his cage fell at the baggage cart and was found by a College professor Parker Wilson (Richard Gere). Parker liked the puppy but when he asked the station controller to have him and after his refusal he takes puppy with him. Cate (Joan Alle) didn’t like the puppy and insisted to leave him back where Parker has found it.

Paker kept waited the next whole day that someone will contact him about and will ask about the puppy but no one called. He takes the puppy next day to his college where a college professor Ken (Cary- Hiroyuki Tagawa) translates the Akita’s collar as “Hachi” which signifies good fortune. Parker stars calling the puppy “Hachi”. Cate was insisting that someone should adopt Hachi but looking Parker’s close with Hachi, she too accepted the puppy as a member. After few years, Hachi and Parker are very close to each other. But Hachi don’t do those thing which all the other dogs do like fetching a ball etc. He asked the same to his friend Ken and ken replied that Akita doesn’t do these things but if he will do then it would be for a very special reason.

One day when Parker was going to station for his work, Hachi somehow sneaks out of home and walks behind Parker. Parker finds that Hachi was following him to train station and asks him to go back to home. Hachi after Parker’s departure goes back home and in the afternoon hearing train voice around 17:00 hrs went to station and waited for Parker and seeing Hachi there Parker also finds it very interesting and happy. This continued for quite some time. But one day when Parker was going to work, Hachi suddenly starts barking at Parker and doesn’t go with him. But eventually at train station Hachi also comes there and again starts barking at Parker. Parker throws a ball and this time Hachi fetches the ball for the first time. Seeing this Parker also got amazed that Hachi has done this for some time but Parker leaves. Meanwhile Parker at college holding Hachi’s ball suffers a fatal heart attacks and dies there. Hachi on other side as basic routine came there at same time to see Parker’s return but he didn’t. Hachi kept waited there for night in the evening but Parker didn’t come. Parker’s son in law came there to take Hachi with him but net day Hachi again somehow went to that station again waited for Parker for whole day and night but he didn’t came again.

As the time moved ahead Cate sells the house and Hachi is made to go with her daughter Andy and Michael in their home. Hachi meanwhile manages to come back to their old but seeing new persons there he went to station and waited there at his normal position the whole day and night for Parker to come eating pieces of hot dogs given by a local vendor named Jasjeet near station. Andy came there and took Hachi with her. But within few days seeing Hachi’s grief she allowed Hachi to go and live his own life to do what he wants to do. For the next nine years, Hachi came there and waited for Parker to arrive over there. A local newspaper finds this story interesting and published in his newspaper. Reading that article, Ken came to that station and meets Hachi and offered some money to Jasjeet the local vendor for food for Hachi but he refused saying that he gave him food whenever it is necessary. 

Cate after ten years came back again to the town and at Parker’s grave he found his friend Ken. Ken takes her to station for a walk where Cate sees Hachi still waiting for Parker at the station even after long ten years and was stunned and shocked. She waited with Hachi for the next train and at night in home, Cate starts telling Ronnie the son of Andy her daughter about the story of Hachi and his grandfather Parker.

For ten years, a dog waited for his master who is dead, coming at the train station and waited for his master on the same spot for nine years showing such faithfulness and unconditional love. In the cold snowy day, he was waiting for his master where he was recollecting his enjoyable memories with Parker with his eyes closed. At last he sees that his master Parker came from station and Hachi jumps towards him and greets him again. Film again shows in the class where Ronnie tells the class that Hachi will forever be his hero and the class applauded him. Ronnie and his puupy dog that he too named Hachi walks on railway tracks spending time together.   

In the end revealed that real Hachiko was born in Odate in 1923. In the year 1925, his owner Hidesaburo died and Hachiko returned again and again at Shibuya train station for the next 9 years for his master. The real Haciko died in March 1934. A bronze statue of Haciko is kept at Shibuya train station is kept even today in his memory.

Review: One of the best movies the one will ever see in his life that makes it a once in a lifetime movie to be seen. Beautifully crafted movie made by Lasse Hallstrom. Absolutely brilliant direction done by Lasse. Richard Gere performance was fine and rest of the crew was average but as whole movie was based on Hachi the dog, most of the focus was on him and not the rest of crew causes it is a true story and a remake of the Japanese film of the same name. The dog how being filmed in the movie was awesome and the emotions shown in the movie was off the hook. As a whole it is one of the most dramatical movie, which will make you cry in the end and it is a must watch movie for everyone who loves movies.

Stars given: 5 out of 5. I want to give a 6 out of 5 but I can’t so it’s a 5 out of 5.  

Kung Fu Panda 2

Name: Kung Fu Panda 2      
Genre: Animation/Action/Adventure/Comedy

Cast: Voices of Jack Black, Angelina Jolie, Jackie Chan, Garry Oldman, Jennifer Yuh Nelson (Director)

Synopsis: Peacock Clan rules the Gongmen city of ancient China. Lord Shen of peacock clan wants to use fireworks as new weapons and developing the same. His court’s goat future teller tells him that a warrior of black and white will defeat him and will be hindrance in his rule. Hearing this Shen with his large army starts exterminating Panda population of the area to stop this prophecy to never let that happen. As Shen parents came to about his atrocity, they immediately exile Shen to move out of the Gongmen city and never come again and before going out of the Shen promises that he will have his revenge. After thirty years, Po is now the dragon warrior protecting the villagers from the bad guys with the furious five. Shifu tells Po that he is now a kung fu master but he still doesn’t have the inner peace. When he was defending villagers from wolf bandits of Shen who were there for stealing metal for new cannons to be made, a symbol distracted him and remind of a flashback of his birth. Po later on came know that he was found in a radish box by his goose father and he is an adopted child though Po still remained unsatisfied.

Shifu received a message that Shen has attacked Gongmen city and has killed Master Rhino and is planning to destroy Kung Fu and the whole of the ancient China with a new weapon developed by him. So he sends Po and the furious five to stop Shen and his evil plans. They entered the city and finds that Master Ox and Croc were being held captive. Po and the furious five asked them to help in liberation of city from Shen but they refused in saying that if they do then he will destroy the city by the new weapon. Po and the furious five were chasing Shen’s men and later surrendered and were taken to Shen tower. Later they destroyed Shen’s new cannon but during his fight with Shen a symbol on Shen’s plumage reminds his past again with a little flashback and that gives time for Shen to escape to its other tower. Tigress asked Po about what distracts him again and again to which Po finally tells him that Shen was there and he knows something about his past. Tigress asked him to stay here but he went into the factory to find Shen. On other side the furious five too entered the factory to blow it out so that cannons can’t come out but seeing Po in trouble they went into the factory and tried to help him. Shen starts fighting Po and ultimately hits him with a cannon and Po went all out. Shen captures the rest of the furious five as their hostage.

Po wakes up and sees that Shen’s future teller has rescues and healed him and is now in his ancestral village and asks him to remember and embrace his past. Po remembers everything that what actually had happened that on that day and how his parents sacrificed his own lives to save Po. Po finally attains Inner Peace that he is now living a happy life though such atrocities and hardships is being faced by him. He went to the city again to stop Shen and his evil plans. He freed the furious five and later sees that Master Croc and Ox with his own Master Shifu too has arrived there and starts fighting with Shen’s wolf bandits. Eventually they thought that had stopped Shen’s plan but Shen hits the wreckage created by Po with his new cannon. Shen starts a whole round of cannon towards Po but as Po has now attained Inner Peace deflected all the cannon balls fired at him. Tigress, Shifu and even Shen was shocked to see this and could believe its own eyes. Finally Po went to Shen and asked him to stop all this but listening to him Shen starts again attacking him and in that fight ropes which were holding a canon falls on him and crushed him to death. 

Po came back to the village and tells to his goose dad that he is his father at all and hugs each other. Meanwhile somewhere else, Po’s real father who were living with rest of the alive panda’s senses that his son is still alive somewhere.

Review: As first was a big success so a lot to be expected from the next part and it delivered with full expectations. The movie is full of action, adventure and a lot of comedy scenes which makes it a little ahead of its previous prequel. Action sequences used in this part was even better then it was used in the prequel. Story was at all connected with the previous part. Lord Shen was better on the villain part and was more effective than the prequel’s Tai Lung. Music given by Hans Zimmer and John Powell were as usual at its level best. It has to be said that this part of the movie has more action sequences and adventure fun than the previous part and the 3D make it an extra edge to it. A fabulous and a classic animation movie with Po’s panda style was mind blowing.

Stars given: 3.5 out of 

Kung Fu Panda

Name: Kung Fu Panda

Genre: Animation/Action/Adventure/Comedy

Cast: Voices of Jack Black, Angelina Jolie, Ian McShane, Jackie Chan, John Stevenson & Mark Osborne (Director)  

Synopsis: Po (Jack Black) was having a dream where he seen legendary warrior with unmatched Kung Fu skills are being greeted by the legendary kung fu warriors, The Furious Five bow down to that legendary warrior and requesting him to fight with them and at that time suddenly Po wakes up from dream. In the valley of peace in ancient china Po is a Kung Fu lover panda who idealizes the furious five including Tigress, Monkey, Mantis, Viper and Crane trained by their master Shifu. Po tells to his dad Ping a goose that he had a dream and being forced to ask about the dream he tells he dreams about noodles. Oogway, an old tortoise had a dream that Tai Lung,(Ian McShane) an evil snow leopard and also old student of Shifu will escape from prison and come to Valley of peace again to have his revenge as he was denied to take the dragon scroll, the source of limitless power. Hearing this, Shifu send one of his goose messengers to check the security of Tai Lung so that he can’t escape.

Master Shifu ordered furious five that there will be a Kung Fu tournament and from there Master Oogway will choose the dragon warrior who will have the dragon scroll and in turn Tail Lung can be defeated. Everyone in the village gets this news and was very excited to watch the tournament which includes Po as well. But when Po reaches the arena the door were closed. In desperation after doing every attempt to watch the tournament, he sat on a chair with full of attached fireworks and rockets. Suddenly he moves in the sky but very soon falls down in middle of the arena but he woke up, he saw Master Oogway was pointing finger towards him and telling everyone present there that he is the dragon warrior.

Furious Five and Master Shifu were angry that it was just an accident and couldn’t believe that he is dragon warrior. Shifu tried every trick in his book to make Po quit of being himself considered as dragon warrior and should go back home but Po remained there as he was so fanatic about Kung Fu. Even most of the furious five wasn’t impressed from him and wanted him to immediately move out of Jade palace where they all lived. There once together he came know about the real story of Tai Lung from Tigress (Angelina Jolie). Meanwhile on other side, after seeing all the security preparations of Tai Lung, Zeng, the goose messenger of Shifu was getting out of the prison at that moment one of his feathers was dropped near to Tai Lung. He used that and as he himself is a master because he was treated by Shifu himself used that feather starts fighting with the guards himself. After a hell of fight he breaks from the prison and tells Zeng that he should go back to Shifu and tell him that he coming back to have his dragon scroll back.

Zeng gives this bad news to Master Oogway and asks him to guide to stop evil Tai Lung so that Village and the people can be protected. Oogway asks Shifu to give him promise that he must believe in Po and nurture him to bring the best out of him and then he ascends into the sky. Shifu went to Po and the furious five and gave them both the news of Tai Lung is free and Oogway is gone. He further asks Po that he will teach him but Po refuses saying that he will never able to defeated Tai Lung. On initial disagreement between the two, Shifu starts teaching Po Kung Fu and in a little while the progress showed by Po, Shifu can’t believe himself. Po starts believing in himself as a Kung Fu master. The furious five decides to take on Tai Lung by themselves. They have tough fight with Tai Lung but in the end Tai Lung defeated them all and strikes them with nerve attack. Crane brings all of them and seeing all of them defeated Shifu decided to give dragon scroll to Po. On the day of giving dragon scroll to Po, he opens the scroll but nothing happens and being disappointed and no other way to save the valley, Shifu ordered Po and the furious five to take the people out of the valley as far as possible and he himself will face Tai Lung.

When Po and the furious five were starting to take villagers out of the valley, Po meets his goose dad. Po was little upset that things doesn’t go right but his dad tell him that it’s Ok if things doesn’t go right. He tells him that he is gonna tell him his secret of his secret ingredient soup and which is nothing. You just had to believe that it is special. Realizing this he went back to master Shifu. Shifu on other side had started fighting with Tai Lung. Tai Lung being in rage and aggressive was overpowering Shifu at every front. When he was about to Shifu, Po came there and challenged Tai Lung to take the scroll from him and he is the dragon warrior. Tai Lung was now more angry starts fighting with Po with full force. But Po’s unconventional and effective kung fu techniques were too much for Tai Lung. Tai Lung when once defeated was about to open scroll but nothing happened at that time too. Po at that time asked Tai Lung that he didn’t get that in first time either and that there is no secret ingredient and it’s just you. Tai Lung starts attacking again but Po finally over powers him. Seeing this, all the villagers including furious five bows down to Po and call him as master. Po remembers of Shifu and went back to him and Shifu asks him that finally now he can have peace.

Review: One of the classic animation movies with full of action and adventure. The Kung Fu sequences used in the movie from start to finish was great. Story of the movie was decent but the focus given on the rest of characters excluding Po was a little disappointing. Comedy scenes in the movie were quite good which brings some laughable part. Music given by Hans Zimmer and John was good too. Although at some areas movie seems to be a little stretched but as a whole movie is a great to watch full of action and adventure and specially the introduction of new style of Kung Fu “ The Panda Style” this was great.

Stars given: 3 out of 5

The Perfect Storm

Name: The Perfect Storm

Genre: Adventure/Drama/Thriller

Cast: George Clooney, Mark Wahlberg, Diane Lane, Wolfgang Petersen (Director)

Synopsis: A boat used for fish catching as their profession named Andrea Gail after having a low and ineffective catch of fishes came to the ports of Gloucester, Massachusetts. Almost all the crew members of Andrea Gail are money broken and desperate need of that. Seeing this, Captain Billy Tyne (George Clooney) convinces his crew to go on for one more round of fish catching and being broken for money, they all have accepted for the same. This time to catch more fishes the crew moves ahead from their normal grounds but thunderstorms starts forming behind them. The crew of Andrea Gail straight to Flemish Cap and there starts catching more fishes. Soon after catching too much of fish and because of the height of their fishing expedition the ice machine breaks but as they have caught so much of fish the only way the captain seems to see is that head back to shore as quickly as possible. Meanwhile on other side the thunderstorm was becoming worse and worse. After debating with the crew, they all decided to move through the building storm rather than to wait it out.

As they move back to Gloucester port the storm was becoming even worse than before. Captain Linda Greenlaw (Mastrantonio) of Hannah Boden was trying her level best get the message of forming hurricane from thunderstorms to crew of Andrea Gail but she was unsuccessful every time. Soon Andrea Gail antenna broke down and from that point they stop receiving messages. Their at this point whole of the crew was fully confident that they will move ahead from this thunderstorm. Here Captain Linda called this a Mayday and alerting national cost guards and telling them the whole problem. An air National Guard responds to this mayday and sends a helicopter for the rescue but after a lot of rescuing of the other ships they were unable to refuel in the midair for the pursing the rescue any further due to bad weather the helicopter crew due to crashing of it jumps from the helicopter and later on rescued by the coast guard ship.

On other side to bad weather due to thunderstorm, Andrea Gail starts encountering all the problems. Deck was being to crash because of the repeated waves from the ocean, their stabilizer was broken and two of their men were thrown overboard by the waves. A rogue starts beginning to appear. Billy tells one of his crewmen named Bobby (Mark Wahlberg) to ride the wave with full force as they think they might able to do so but the wave stars growing bigger and the boat capsizes. As the boat was going down and rest of the crew being trapped in the boat, Billy decided to remain in the boat too as the captain of the ship but booby manages to move towards the surface of the ocean watching the boat, crew and bobby going down. But Bobby was not wearing any life jacket and as the weather was worse due to the thunderstorm, he didn’t have any chance of surviving this too. At Gloucester all the people were watching news regarding any information regarding their loved ones but there were no survivors of Andrea Gail crew.

Linda was at the memorial for all the people who have lost their lives in this hurricane especially for Andrea Gail crew followed by Christina, Ethel with tear in their eyes and consoling each other where Linda were telling in Billy’s view what swordboat captain is all about and how much he and his crew share for fish cashing.

Review: Really a great movie as a whole. Based on the true events the way movie is directed was really good. Director Wolfgang does shows in this movie not about this true incident but also how the problems is being faced by the boat crew who catching fishes for living. Performance of Clooney was good but performance of the Mark and rest of the crew were decent. Visual effects and sounds to be associated to the movie were great. In the movie it can be seen that the story is being filmed by Wolfgang pretty effectively but he failed to get the best out of the cast of the movie excluding Clooney. Overall a good movie to watch as this movie brings the actual problems the real life fish catchers faces in their life.

Stars given: 3 out of 5.

Shootout at Lokhandwala

Name: Shootout at Lokhandwala

Genre: Action/Crime/Drama

Cast: Vivek Oberoi, Sanjay Dutt, Sunil Shetty, Arbaaz Khan, Apoorva Lakhia (Director)

Synopsis: Brooms were used to clear the area around the Swati building and TVN reporter Meeta Mattu was reporting that a large police squad with heavy ammunition was used around a peaceful residential area of Swati building in Lokhandwala. In the office of Ex-chief Justice and now a private advocate Dhingra is having discussions with the three officers of Anti Terrorist Squad (ATS) on whom Human rights commission is massive angry and launched a heavy protest against them. These officers are additional commissioner of police Shamsher Khan (Sanjay Dutt), Inspector Kaviraj Patil (Sunil Shetty) and inspector Javed Shiekh (Arbaaz Khan). As Dhingra is having discussions asking questions from them, the movie went into flashback.

Shamsher Khan told Dhingra about how the ATS was formed as to counter modern day terrorism he got the idea from SWAT and form ATS from the best candidates from police including Kaviraj and Javed. There only motive was shoot to kill as modern day terrorist are growing more and more and trouble for public. He also tells how some people from Punjab after blue star operation came to Bombay in Sikh dominated areas and he did his best try to clear them out. Then he tells him about a man recently turned into gangster named Maya (Vivek Oberoi) and how he stars killing people and instigating fear in the minds of people and big businessmen in the city and that’s how he come under scanner of Dawood Ibrahim. He stars recruiting the best shooters in the city. Now at this point Maya and his men are on top of Bombay/Mumbai and reporting directly to Dawood in Dubai.

Khan and his men of ATS are focusing of eliminating Maya and his men in the city. A game of cat and mouse stars when Shamsher Khan and men kill some of Maya’s men and Maya on other side kills some of big businessmen and local people and even the police personnel many times. Shamsher Khan and his ATS men try to put pressure of relatives and families of Maya and his men to get them out but it too went wrong because Maya and his men do came out but at wrong time giving serious warning to Khan, Kaviraj and Javed to stay away from their families otherwise their families will to not be safe at all. Maya asks a builder named Wadhwani to give him ransom as protection money for his life to be safe but Wadhwani bluntly replied to him that he has direct connections to his boss in Dubai and he is nothing to him and he shouldn’t call him again or he will face dire consequences. As Maya was mad and in rage send his men to Wadhwani’s office and to comply to his demands or he will face consequences. Maya’s men took some token money from their and demanded the rest of money to be delivered to him within no time.

Wadhwani gave half the amount asked by Maya as told by Dawood but Maya asks Wadhwani to bring the rest of the money and take away his son and till that his son will remain with them. Fearing that, Wadhwani called Dawood and told the whole story and requested him to talk to Maya to release his only son. Dawood called Maya what is doing and he should release Wadhwani’s son immediately but Maya refused in doing that saying “its mine men pride and he can’t back off now at any cost to rule on Mumbai”.

Now comes the day on which this shootout took place. Shamsher Khan told him that one of his informers told him that Maya and his men are hiding in a flat of Swati building in Lokhandwala. Shamsher Khan with his ATS men with full ammunition and armory went to Swati building. Maya and his men were still holding Wadhwani’s son as hostage. One of Maya’s men who was outside the Swati building came to know that Police is surrounding the area around Swati building and looking for all of them with an intent to kill. Maya seeing that came to understand that too this time for sure something bloody will happen. ACP Shamsher Khan to reached the area and was soon welcomed by a RPG fired by Maya’s men but Khan survived. Soon the gun battle starts. People were warned to get out of the building quickly. Policemen stars going inside the building with full force. Empty bullet shells were everywhere. Soon all of them including Maya were killed by police in the shootout. Reporter Meeta Mattu covers this entire gunbattle between police and Maya and his men.

In the end, Dhingra in courts starts with the conventional defense for the officers of ATS including Shamsher Khan who were involved in this Shootout or gun battle. Khan and his men were released from the charges instigated on them by court.

Review: As based on original events from the rumors of the Shootout that took place at Lokhanwadala, the movie was beautifully crafted and made. Direction of Approva was good as he tried to put the whole shooting part into a well made action scenario with ease. Performance of Vivek Oberoi was great but for Sanjay Dutt it wasn’t that much effective as it should have been. Rest of cast performance were good and up to the mark. Music of the movie was average although some parts of the movie was being stretched unnecessary which could have been avoided. Sometimes it is also felt that went off track many times. But was great part of the movie was the climax. It’s great as how the gun battle sequences’ are being shot and the music related to it was just great. Overall it is a good movie to watch with a good amount of action and a decent amount of Entertainment.

Stars given: 2.5 out of 5.


Name: Agneepath (1990)

Genre: Action/Crime/Drama

Cast: Amitabh Bachchan, Mithun Chakraborty, Danny Denzongpa, Mukul S. Anand (Director)

Synopsis: Deenanath Chauhan is a school master in village Mandwa who has high moral grounds and is an honest man. His was teaching his son a poem named “Agneepath” the path of fire which everyone has to cross in his life. Deenanath is well loved and respected by the villagers. He wants that everyone including the child should be educated in the village and no one should be included in the bad deeds. But the Village headman doesn’t share the same opinion as he does. One day which playing with his friends and he saw a man named Kancha Cheena (Danny Denzongpa) arrives in the village meeting Village headman Dinkar Rao. He came to know that Kancha wants to make the village Mandwa into a drug trade centre as the village in not on the map of India and it will easier for him to do so. But he has to take down teacher Deenanath as he is the one who is causing hindrance in his plans. Dinkar Rao made a setup for Deenanath. With the help of the owner of the brothel he sets up Deenath and villagers seeing this beats teacher Denanath to death. His wife and both the child after so much humiliation went to Mumbai to start a new life.

He starts working on odd jobs for making his family living and as he grows old he came across the various harsh realities of life. One day when someone starts forcing with his mother his burns down his petrol pump. His bail is being given by four local goons who later on indulge him with themselves. Now Vijay (Amitabh Bachchan) has grown old and now he is a gangster with class, style and most of things he has values for the poor people. One day when he refused to indulge with the drugs business of those four of his bosses, they tried to kill him. But a man named Krishnan (Mithun Chakraborty) saved him. When Vijay was recovering from hospital he secretly killed 2 of them. But as now Vijay is a gangster he was not liked by his mother and his sister doesn’t know much about him.

Later he tries to strike a deal with Kancha to let him enter in Mandwa so that both of them can do business. Kancha agrees to that but warns him that if he ever tries to cut his way, he will not spare him and in return for their partnership he gives him his 3rd boss. Vijay on his wife advice slowly starts taking down Kancha by taking out his men one by one and gathering proofs against Kancha and later on helped police in taking down Kancha. Kancha was arrested. Meanwhile the last of the 4 bosses kidnaps Vijay’s sister. Krishnan with his last breath effort too was there with Vijay’s daughter to save him from his last boss and the fighting starts began between both of them. Vijay hearing this news and seeing that police also is not able to enter the place where his sister is being taken went in with his men with full force and eventually saved his sister, Krishnan and killed his last boss.

In a festival, Kancha’s men tries to kill Vijay but Krishnan came in between and he got badly hurt. Vijay took him to hospital and saw that his most faithful men is being shot dead as well as the only living proof/witness to be produced against Vijay is also killed by Kancha. Commissioner told Vijay that his mother, sister and wife as well as his child is being taken hostage by Kancha but he will do everything in his power to save him. Finally Vijay went to Mandwa village by himself. Kancha had made the traps for him in advance. Being torn out and bad shape, Vijay finally confronts Kancha. Houses were exploded and whole of the path was filled with fire. Kancha challenges Vijay to come across and if he dares saves his mother, his wife, his sister and his son. Krishnan too arrives there and starts shooting at Kancha’s men. Vijay starts running towards Kancha from that path of fire. Instead of being shot twice he fights with Kancha and eventually kills him. Now Vijay as being not being able to move as he is already shot twice too passes away across his mother saying “Agneepath” in an emotional context. In the end his mother was saying “My son is not a Gangster.”

Review: It is always said, some movies are just made great and this is one of them. Everything fits in its rightful place. Direction of Mukul S. Anand was just awesome. The way he has directed the movie was just great. Some performances are ever green and Amitabh Bachchan’s performance is one of them in this movie. His character in this movie lived alive. And in no way credit can be taken away from the Danny Denzongpa which is absolutely brilliance and with class. In this movie the hero and villain how they actually should be looked in the movie looks that way. Music of the movie just mind blowing suits to the context of the movie appropriately. Dialogues of the movie were great and rest of cast performance is also very good. A great movie is one where all the segments of the movie fit to its rightful place and everyone plays its part with equal importance. This movie has it all. People say Old is Gold. This had it.      

Stars given: 5 out of 5.