Jack Reacher

Name: Jack Reacher

Genre: Thriller

Cast: Tom Cruise, Rosamund Pike, Richard Jenkins, Christopher Mcquire (Director)

Synopsis: Its starts like this; a man drives its vehicle into a parking garage near Allengheny River, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He drops a quarter into the meter, prepares its rifles and starts killing 5 people moving across the river and after killing flees from the scene. As the police arrive at crime scene, Detective Emerson discover the coin which he used to drop in meter on which he has taken the person’s finger prints and it was of James Barr, a former US Army sniper man. When police raided his house they find the Van used, equipment used to make bullets and the rifle which they thought used for killing were found. When interrogated by Emerson and District attorney, they offer James Barr to confess and in exchange to that they will give him life imprisonment instead of guaranteed death but James Barr writes on notepad asking “Get Jack Reacher”. Jack Reacher (Tom Cruise) arrives at Pittsburgh after seeing the reports about James being prime suspect in the killing of 5 people. Emerson and District attorney at the beginning didn’t want to share evidence with Reacher but later on agrees to that. As in coma because being brutally attacked by jail inmates Barr’s defense attorney Helen Rodin (Rosamund Pike) meet Reacher in the task of saving Barr from death Penalty. Helen offers a deal to Reacher that she will let him see the evidence if he helps in the investigation to defend Barr. Jack tells her about James killing spree in Iraq but could not be prosecuted because the victims were suspects of major crimes. Reacher at that time tells James that if he ever does that again he will himself take him down. On one condition Jack agrees to help in investigation that she will has to visit the families of the victims to learn about the people murdered on that day and she readily accepts. When jack reaches the crime scene he find some inconsistencies in the way of committing murders like it can be done from the bridge, why he used a quarter to drop in meter. On Helen’s report Jack tells Helen that real reason was to kill the owner of a local construction company and rest were killed just for cover up. As it moves on, there was a bar brawl of Reacher and some local people and soon Jack realize that someone is strongly to drop him from the investigation. Soon Jack was framed with the murder of a girl involved in the brawl but this motivates Jack more to find the truth and which leads him to a shooting range in the state of Ohio who will give him clue only if Jack show his skills of US army to him. When Jack gets solid evidence from shooting range, Helen Rodin the defense attorney was kidnapped by Soviet gang by the leader called Zec. Jack rescued Helen from Zec with the help of Shooting Range owner. Jack confronts Zec and later kills him in the way that he should not later evades the law. Reacher flees from there with the confidence she will clear his name. When James awakes he tells Helen that he has no memory but he is sure that he has murdered those people and he is guilty. Barr thinking of killing people, confess and want to accept punishment as he fears that if law will not punish him then As promised by Jack, he will.

Review: Hollywood movie full of thriller. Story revolves around Tom cruise (Jack Reacher) most of the time in the movie. Tom Cruise acting in the movie is Charismatic and Excellent. Direction in the movie is also good. Most interesting is that movie hold its audience together most of the time. Only thing is the movie revolves around Tom Cruise quite so much which could have been done in a different prospective. Overall a good thriller movie by Tom Cruise.

Stars given: 3 out of 5.

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