Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows

Name: Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows

Genre: Action/Mystery

Cast: Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law, Jared Harris, Guy Ritchie (Director)

Synopsis: Irene Adler delivers a package to Dr. Hoffmanstahl in an auction and receives a payment in return. Hoffmanstahl wants to check the content of the package when in turns triggered a bomb that was hidden in that. Sudden Sherlock Holmes arrived there and disposed the bomb. Hoffmanstahl and Irene escapes from there but when home went out he saw Hoffmanstahl dead body lying near the wall. Irene meets Moriarty asked him to explain these events which in turn Moriarty poisoned her and she died. Dr. Watson arrives at 221B Baker Street where Holmes tells Watson that he is investigating some murders, terrorist attacks and Business takeovers and the one person that was related all of this was Professor James Moriarty. At the Bachelor Party arranged by Holmes, Holmes meets the French gypsy teller Simza, to whom the letter was addressed, which was taken from Irene in the auction sent by her brother Rene. A fight broke out between Holmes and an assassin. He defeats the assassin but Simza escapes. After the wedding of mary and Watson, Holmes meet Moriarty. Moriarty informs Holmes that he had killed Irene and will also kill him if he comes in his way but Holmes said that he will take him down now. A group of people hired by Moriarty starts firing Watson and Mary but as Holmes followed them as warning received by Moriarty came there, thrown Mary out of the carriage of the train in the river to be picked by his brother and laid and escape plan to get out of there unharmed. He asked Watson to be with him for one last time. After accepting Holmes request both of them went to Paris and meet Simza telling him that his brother was working for Moriarty, she might knows something about Rene’s plans. She takes them to some anarchists which in turn has told them that they have plant bombs for Moriarty.

All three of them gone to Paris Opera that bomb might have been plant there but soon Holmes realized that he was plant in a nearby hotel where a meeting of some business was to be held. Bomb was denoted where they reached there and discovered that bomb was merely a cover to kill a person called Meinhard by Mariarty henchmen. Which means killing Meinhard will lead Moriarty to be the owner of Meinhard’s arms factory in Heilbronn, Germany. When all of them reach their Holmes tells Watson to send a telegram to his brother Mycroft. On investigation of factory he was captured by Moriarty men. Moriarty captured Holmes tortured and asked him to whom telegram was send from here. There Holmes also came to know that Moriarty was acquiring shares in companies who were making ammunitions and also medicines too where he could earn profits and make fortune as nations were on the verge of world war within themselves. Watson uses a canon on a watch tower leading to its collapse. Holmes and Watson escape from Moriarty men over there but they were badly injured. All of them including Holmes, Watson and Simza gone to Switzerland and deducted that this peace summit will be Moriarty target and the best way to start a world war to assassinate and ambassador and that too were being done by Rene as he will be disguised to take the place of ambassador himself by the reconstructive surgery done by the pioneer surgeon Dr. Hoffmanstahl. Holems invited Moriarity to come outside of the Summit palace and Watson and Rene was figuring it out which one Rene will be. While playing Blitz chess the came to know that the assassination failed by to Watson and Simza but Rene was killed by Moriarty henchmen. Moriarty tells Holmes that world will bound to happen within few years and he will make the profits then.

But Holmes reveals to Moriarty that he was changed the red diary in which he has all made all plans and financing when he was torturing him. He has sent it to Mary in London which decrypt the diary and Inspector of London will seize everything asset of him. Moriarty vows to kill the Watson and Mary and will torture him very much. Holmes and Moriarty anticipated each other physical moves which lead to Moriarty victory. Seeing this Holmes get a grab of Moriarty and throws himself and Moriarty both in the river which Watson sees it. Both of them were presumed to be dead. After Holmes Funeral, Watson and Mary planned the Honeymoon when Watson receives a package in which Mycroft his brother’s breathing device was there. Seeing this Watson believes that he might still be alive and moves outside the room. Holmes was sitting on Sofa concealing itself from him came to the typewriter, read it a little and adds a question mark in the end.

Review: Being the next part of Sherlock Holmes (2009) many expectations were there from it and the movie rose to the expectations very well. Acting as usual was very good of both Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law as both of them look a very good pair in this movie as well. Jared Harris performance in the movie was also a convincing one as compared to Mark Strong in the previous part of the movie. Its story line of the movie was very clear. Guy Ritchie remained to his strengths.  A must watch movie with high entertainment.

Stars given: 3.5 out of 5.

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